The Caribbean Nurses Organization (CNO) was founded in May 1957 as a non-governmental, non-profit, non-partisan, regional professional nursing organization. The CNO is comprised of Nurses Associations within the Caribbean, and Associations of Caribbean and other nurses geographically located outside the Caribbean. For efficient functioning of the Organization it has been divided into Regions. Through its constitution, CNO states its purpose and functions and describes the relationship with its Members, Partners and other Institutions, and Organizations.
Purpose of CNO
The purpose of CNO is to work towards improving health of all people of the Caribbean, by promoting improvement in the standards of nursing care, and by advancing the educational, economic and professional welfare of all nurses. CNO seeks to influence health and nursing policy regionally, to empower its National Nurses Associations in the Caribbean to work on behalf of nurses, nursing and the peoples of the Caribbean. CNO aims to unite nurses in the Caribbean. CNO seeks to ensure that an adequate quantity of well-trained, skilled nurses are in the region to provide quality nursing care to the people of the Caribbean. This purpose shall be unrestricted by consideration of age, colour, creed, gender, nationality, race or religion.
To be a powerful Professional independent non-governmental, non-political Nursing Organization in the Caribbean that robustly promotes and be the voice that speaks for the well-being of Nurses who provide Quality Nursing Care, as well as advocating for sustainable economic and social development in the region
To inspire, influence, motivate nurses, strengthening their skills and competences to provide efficient, effective care with cultural competence, using best practices and advancing global technology through a network of strong National Nurses Association (NNA’s)
CNO aims to unite nurses in the Caribbean towards maintaining high standards of Nursing Education and Practice to advance the Profession of Nursing in the Caribbean Region and beyond.
Functions of CNO
The functions of CNO shall be to:
1. Promote through appropriate means standards of nursing practice and nursing education as defined by the policies of the Caribbean Nurses Organization.
2. Ensure adherence to the code of professional conduct for nurses.
3. Promote legislation and speak for nurses in regards to legislative action.
4. Protect, promote and support economic and general welfare or nurses.
5. Facilitate the continuing professional development of nurses.
6. Represent nurses and serve as their spokesman with allied professional, community and governmental groups and with the public.
7. Stimulate research in nursing and utilize findings for health policy and decisions.
8. To integrate the Caribbean Nurses
9. Liaise with Caricom on issues affecting Caribbean Nurses.
10. Influence policies at regional and international level.
11. Set standards for nursing care in the Caribbean.
12. Evaluate the quality of nursing care
13. Uphold the constitution and bylaws of the CNO.
Elnora Warner President Antigua & Barbuda
Gwendolyn Snaggs VP Trinidad & Tobago
Patsy Edwards Henry Secretary Jamaica
Alicia Baptiste Asst Secretary St. Lucia
Michelle Hales Thompson Treasurer Jamaica
Kathlyn Barman Asst Treasurer Trinidad & Tobago
Dawn-Marie Richards Director Region1
Alicia Haywood Director Region 2
Debra Phillip Director Region 3
Alvin Hart Director Region 4
Paulette Cash Nomination Chair